• Are You Planning to Buy Energy-Efficient Products on Black Friday?

    Updated: 2011-11-27 17:07:41
    Are You Planning to Buy Energy-Efficient Products on Black Friday November 23, 2011 06:09 This week , Chris gave us some great information on shopping for energy-efficient products He reminded us that the cost to run appliances and home office and electronics is just as important as the purchase price , and posted a new Energy Savers graphic that shows you how to read the EnergyGuide and Energy Star . labels It's a great reminder that when you buy energy-efficient products , you save money and energy all year . round If you're doing any Black Friday shopping , will you be looking for energy efficiency ratings using the EnergyGuide or Energy Star labels Why or why not Each week , you have the chance to share your thoughts on a question about energy efficiency or renewable energy for

  • Black Friday Savings All Year ’Round

    Updated: 2011-11-21 21:58:00
    Are You Planning to Buy Energy-Efficient Products on Black Friday Black Friday Savings All Year Round November 21, 2011 16:58 On Friday , shoppers across the country will flock to stores and retailers seeking the best bargains of the holiday season . Many will scour newspapers and online coupon sites seeking the deepest discounts and greatest deals . In case you'll be among these millions of consumers , don't forget buying energy efficient products will bring you savings all year . round When it comes to shopping for and comparing energy-efficient appliances and home electronics , look for the ENERGY STAR® and EnergyGuide labels . ENERGY STAR labels appear on appliances and home electronics that meet strict energy efficiency criteria established by the U.S . Department of Energy and U.S .

  • Notice of Annual EPA Adjustment Factors for Excess Emissions Penalty

    Updated: 2011-11-18 23:09:52
    The Acid Rain Program under title IV of the Clean Air Act provides for automatic excess emissions penalties in dollars per ton of excess emissions for sources that do not meet their annual Acid Rain emissions limitations.  The Acid Rain Program under title IV of the Clean Air Act limits annual sulfur dioxide and nitrogen [...]

  • How Do You Save Energy While on Vacation?

    Updated: 2011-11-17 16:11:00
    Black Friday Savings All Year Round How Do You Save Energy While on Vacation November 17, 2011 11:11 It goes without saying : this is the busiest time of the year for most Americans . Whether we fly , drive , or take public transportation , the holiday season has many of us planning trips to see family and friends to make the most of this special time of . year Kristin talked about the tips and tricks she uses to take a vacation from her energy bill while she's away from home . Speaking of travel , check out the energy-saving vehicle calculator that Eric talked about this week it could help you choose a great vehicle if you're in the . market What steps do you take to save energy at home or on the road while you're on vacation Each week , you have the chance to share your thoughts on a

  • SEMA Show 2011

    Updated: 2011-11-12 01:38:36

  • What Inspires You to Save Money and Energy at Home?

    Updated: 2011-11-10 11:54:00
    New Calculator Helps You Buy the Energy-Saving Vehicle of Your Dreams What Inspires You to Save Money and Energy at Home November 10, 2011 06:54 Personal inspiration for energy efficiency and renewable energy comes in many forms . Be it social , economical , or environmental , there is no shortage of motivation to save money and energy at home and on the . road This week we heard from Ernie , who talked about the inspiration of music and Drew pointed out the shorter days of the season which inspired him to take a closer look at lighting timers What inspires you to save money and energy at home Each week , you have the chance to share your thoughts on a question about energy efficiency or renewable energy for consumers . Please comment with your answers , and also feel free to respond to

  • What's on Your Energy Efficiency To-Do List?

    Updated: 2011-11-04 15:47:00
    Halloween 7 Days What's on Your Energy Efficiency To-Do List November 4, 2011 10:47 This week , Stephanie talked about how she's been procrastinating getting an energy assessment for her house Sometimes life gets so busy , we neglect to do things that we know are good even when they're free In addition to scheduling that assessment , she also has a great plan to start tracking her utility bills to see the impact of the energy-efficiency improvements she plans to . make How about you Have you been putting off any energy-efficiency improvements If so , what would it take to put those plans into action Each week , you have the chance to share your thoughts on a question about energy efficiency or renewable energy for consumers . Please comment with your answers , and also feel free to respond

  • POWERGEN India / Renewable Energy World India / Hydrovision India

    Updated: 2011-11-01 14:10:54
    You are invited to submit an abstract to be a potential speaker at POWER-GEN India & Central Asia, Renewable Energy World India or HydroVision India 2012, as this premier three-way co-located conference and exhibition returns to New Delhi in 2012.

  • CARB notified EPA of amended standards, certifications & test procedures for large spark-ignition non road engines.

    Updated: 2011-10-31 17:19:12
    California State Nonroad Engine Pollution Control Standards; Large Spark-Ignition (LSI) Engines; Fleet Requirements for In-Use LSI Forklifts and Other Industrial Equipment; Opportunity for Public Hearing and Comment AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has notified EPA that it has amended its emission standards and certification and test procedures for large spark-ignition nonroad engines (``LSI Emission [...]

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